Ivy's Blog about DBC

And how she survives it

Hashes 'N Arrays

January 23, 2016

Okay so how to explain hashes and arrays. Well, first off, hash does not mean ... y'know... hash.

Mmmmm yum.

I like to think of hash as a group of information and an array as a list of stuff. Just stuff like words, sentences, numbers, arrays, hashes, more sentences. That kind of thing. No big.

Hash.new = {"dog"=>"Spot", "cat"=>"Duchess", "person"=>"Gertrude"}

Array.new = ["YOLO", 32.01, "I like Ruby", [1,2,3,4]]

Arrays are best suited for list things like a set of numbers or employee names. But the company wants information on an employee? A hash comes in handy here!

Here we have our list of employee numbers:
employee_numbers.new = [...101, 102, 105,...]

We use a hash to store information about an employee number:
emp_num102.new = {"first_name"=>"Gertrude", "last_name"=>"Smith", "address"=>"3214 Fashion Avenue, Chicago, IL 63546"}

If you're not sure if to use an array or hash, think of it this way: Is your list of items simple (i.e. milk, bread, cookies)? Use an Array!
Or is it specific (i.e. low-fat Uncle Bob's dairy farm milk, white wonderbread, Chips Ahoy! chewy chocolate chip cookies)? Use a hash!