Ivy's Blog about DBC

And how she survives it

The End of Week Seven: Learned Some JavaScript

February 15, 2016

So, first off...

It might just be me but I feel like the documentation for JavaScript is far easier to read

Working with Objects

This is just a link to working with objects but boy, if it helped me through two challenges and really stuck with me, I'm gonna recommend it.

It got me through two challenges in like half an hour, 45 minutes which was a great feeling (anybody who did that in less, don't tell me. Let me keep my sense of self-accomplishment).

I mean... I guess Ruby has objects...

Yeah, I'm pretty sure they do BUT!!! I'm looking at the Ruby docs and my eyes are just glazing over from the overwhelming information like...no...*fades into the distance*...

But going straight to the mozilla docs of JavaScript and its just beautiful.

var dog = {
name: "Diggy",
age: 4,
faveToy: "Mr. Lamby"


var dog = new Object();

dog.name = "Diggy";

It's just so easy for me to finally comprehend!!!