Ivy's Blog about DBC

And how she survives it

My First Post about DBC!

Phase 0 Week 1

January 3rd, 2016

Okay, so I have tried to do a website from GitHub before, when I did not know git version control was different from GitHub. I was using semi command prompt from when I was using a PC and also the GitHub Desktop. Suffice to say, my process was a mess.

But now I know how to use git! And GitHub! All from the terminal which is super super awesome. Version control helps with being quick and efficient at creating repositories and tracking changes within, whether its a directory or file. GitHub USES Git. What really helped me was was learning all the commands for git, especially git status. Just entering **$ git status** in my terminal and getting the message that I wasn't even IN a repository helped.

Understanding git is hard. What helps is seeing the remembering the git commands and then the cycle of committing changes. The below cycle is simplified and each step has a git command(s).

    1. Make repo in GitHub
    2. Create new branch in repo (feature branch)
    3. Make changes to feature branch
    4. Add and commit changes in terminal
    5. Push the changes to GitHub
    6. Create a pull request and merge all in GitHub
    7. Go to terminal and fetch origin master
    8. Also in the terminal, merge origin/master
    9. The feature branch can now be deleted in GitHub and in your terminal
This was not how the information was presented to me but it is how I remember the process now.

GitHub is a great place to store your code since it is remote. Remote, as in it is now saved in cyberspace and losing your computer won't cause you to lose all your work and consequently turn bald from the stress of trying to remember everything you've lost. Also, it's a community that can help you with your code! Whether it's helping you fix a bug or adding features, having this community is a great asset when programming or designing code. GitHub is also easy to use (once you know how).

UPDATE: So I'm providing this update as I have just watched Shereef's Fireside Chat. Feelings: Excited. Like a ball-full-of-nuclear-energy-ready-to-explode excited. I am nervous. I'm taking a giant leap from having an good job in Saint Louis and moving half-way around the country to complete an intensive program. But I believe in myself and I believe in my choices, including DBC. My excitement far exceeds my nervousness. Reading about DBC, I got the impression that it's an environment that thrives on diversity (of opinions, ideas, cultures) and I get revved up when I am a part of that diversity. When Shereef mentioned the first fear, it's one I can relate too very well, especially the imposter syndrome. It is through moral support that I confront this fear and know that it is something to overcome. Because DBC brought my attention to this growth mindset, I realize I'm only stopping myself. I can do this and ready to go!