Ruby vs JavaScript

So going back and forth between computer languages can have a bad effect on remembering which language uses that syntax or that language uses this syntax

You know you need help when your Ruby program is asking why you have a bunch of semicolons and your JavaScript program is asking what the heck def fizzbuzz num is supposed to do.

For this reason, my cheatsheet will be comparing the two languages and referencing how to do what. For simplicity's sake, I'm only doing one way to define variables, objects, functions and so on in my preferential way.

Thing to Compare Ruby JavaScript
Link to Docs Ruby 2.2.1 Doc JavaScript Mozilla Docs
Printing to the Console print / puts / put / p document.write(); / console.log();
Variables my_variable = "..." var myVariable = "..."
Branching if var == 1/elsif var == 2/else/end if (var === 1)/else if (var === 2)/else
Loops counter = 0
while counter < 5
 counter += 1

array.each do |thing|
 puts thing
counter = 0
while (counter < 5){

for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++){
Hashes/Objects my_hash = {"dog" => 10, "cat" => 3, "fish" => 12} var anObject = {dog: "Jerry", cat: "Scotty", fish: "Boyd"}
Functions def my_function
var myFunction = function(){
